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by Katherine S.

                     All the words you don’t know and the insults you’ll want to use!


Act 1






Act 2




















Act 3


Act 4










Act 5

Fat-witted: stupid

Sack: sherry

Leaping-houses: brothels

Buff jerkin: leather military jacket

‘Sblood: an oath, “by Christ’s blood”

Zounds: an oath, “by God’s wounds”

Sirrah: “sir”

Holp: helped

Pouncet box: small box filled with a fragrant substance

Parmacety: waxy substance used as medical ointment 

Saltpeter: main ingredient in gunpowder

Choler: anger

Pismires: ants

Fat-kidneyed rascal: bum

Caterpillars: derogatory term for citizens viewed as “feeding off the commonwealth”

Gorbellied: potbellied, fat

Bacons: “i.e. fatties”

Buffets: “fisticuffs”

Esperance: the Percy family motto, meaning ‘hope’

Mammets: dolls

Whoreson round man: overweight chap

Peppered: killed

Knotty-pated: blockheaded

Thou claybrained guts, thou knotty-pated fool, thou whoreson, obscene, greasy tallow-catch: stupid slimeball

Pizzle: “penis (dried to make a whip)”

Starveling, elf-skin, dried neat’s tongue, bull’s pizzle, stockfish: degenerate

Micher: truant, absentee

Naughty velvet: “bad boy”

Halter: hangman’s noose

Burning cressets: stars or comets, representative of a newborn’s greatness

Bootless: unsuccessful

Agues: chills and fevers

Skimble-skamble stuff: nonsense

Cates: delicacies 

Start of spleen: tantrum, caprice

Ignis fatuus: will-o’-the-wisp

Younker: youngster

Jack: “silly, saucy fellow”

Beaver: helmet

Soused gurnet: small, pickled fish

Toasts-and-butter: “soft citizens”

Gyves: ankle fetters

Forsooth: a mild oath

Corrivals: associates

Chewet: jackdaw, loud-mouth

Hurlyburly innovation: “chaotic change”

Scutcheon: sign displaying a deceased individual’s coat of arms

Catechism: “a book teaching basic religious principles”

Spleen: whim

Ta’en: contracted, like an illness

Succor: help

Brook: endure

Termagant: “savage”

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